Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw - Complete Review

If you're looking for a power tool that's affordable, durable, and versatile, you'll be happy with the Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw!

Let's start with the "affordable" part. Available online for an amazingly low price at Amazon today, you'll be hardly pressed to find a name-brand 10-inch compound miter saw for less than the cost of the Hitachi C10FCE2.

So, what about the durability?

The Hitachi C10FCE2 was made to be you partner on any project imaginable! It can cut through virtually any type of material - from soft fiberboard, to aluminum, to thick plywood. No matter how thick or stubborn your material is, you'll be able to get through it with the C10FCE2 Hitachi 10 compound miter saw.

As for the versatility, you'll see that as soon as you see this saw in person! Even though it's designed to cut through just about anything, the Hitachi C10FCE2 has a lightweight and portable design - meaning it's easy to take just about anywhere. Since it doesn't come with a slider, it takes up even less space than those pricier compound miter saws. We even found one reviewer who is able to transport this saw all over the place in the trunk of his compact car!

Adding to its versatility, the C10FCE2 Hitachi miter saw is compatible with Hitachi's UU610 miter saw stand. Even if you don't spring for the stand, the C10FCE2 has a sturdy base, so you'll always be able to get down to business - no matter what kind of conditions you're working in. There's also a built-in clamping system, so that you never have to worry about your materials coming loose. And, as an added benefit, the C10FCE2 Hitachi compound miter saw comes with a special grip that reduces vibration. That way, you'll have complete control of this 10 inch miter saw, no matter what you're cutting through!

What about the specs of the Hitachi C10FCE2?

The Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw comes with:

  • A 15-amp, 5,000 RPM motor
  • A light design, weighing in at just 26.3 pounds
  • A 40-tooth blade
  • A diecast aluminum base
  • An extended fence, so that you can make vertical cuts on crown and base molding
  • A 5-year warranty
  • A built-in dust bag

So, what interesting user comments can we add to this Hitachi C10FCE2 review?

According to the reviews we found, Hitachi's C10FCE2 is one popular 10 compound miter saw!

One of the first things people raved about was the sound. According to reviewers, the C10FCE2 is quieter than other power miter saws in the same price range. However, don't let that quiet motor fool you! Reviewers also say that the Hitachi C10FCE2 is much more powerful than other similarly-priced saws!

Another big perk? This saw's accuracy. While you can order a laser accessory to go with your C10FCE2, a number of reviewers said the extra purchase wasn't really necessary. Not because the laser wasn't any good - but because this Hitachi 10 compound miter saw model is simply that accurate! And, according to reviews, that accuracy extends to detailed fit and finish cuts - something that most saws can't handle.

If you're picky about your blades, you won't have any trouble swapping out the blade that comes with the Hitachi C10FCE2. However, many reviewers say the factory blade is better than you'll find on most saws - meaning that you can save yourself some money by not having to buy a brand new blade right off the bat.

Most of the reviews we read were from amateur carpenters, and most of the work they do is around the house. According to them, that's why the C10FCE2 is such a good deal - its price tag is ideal for beginners, or for people who want to take on easier projects. If you don't need all of the expensive gadgets that come with pricier, professional-grade compound miter saws, the Hitachi C10FCE2 is the perfect choice!

So, is there anything that reviewers didn't like about the Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw?

The biggest complaint centered around the C10FCE2's instruction manual. According to reviewers, the instructions were hard to follow. Making things tougher, there weren't many pictures - and the pictures that were included were tough to decipher. Luckily, most reviewers said they were able to figure things out for themselves relatively quickly.

Another downside in reviewers' minds? The dust bag. Reviewers said that the built-in dust bag caught a little bit of dust - but also left plenty sitting around. However, they were also quick to point out that this is a common problem that virtually all other compound miter saws face. And, in the grand scheme of things, the dust bag wasn't a deal-breaker for anyone who purchased this saw. To them, the price tag, the versatility, and the accuracy were all well worth a little bit of dust lying around!