
Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw - Complete Review

If you're looking for a power tool that's affordable, durable, and versatile, you'll be happy with the Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw!

Let's start with the "affordable" part. Available online for an amazingly low price at Amazon today, you'll be hardly pressed to find a name-brand 10-inch compound miter saw for less than the cost of the Hitachi C10FCE2.

So, what about the durability?

The Hitachi C10FCE2 was made to be you partner on any project imaginable! It can cut through virtually any type of material - from soft fiberboard, to aluminum, to thick plywood. No matter how thick or stubborn your material is, you'll be able to get through it with the C10FCE2 Hitachi 10 compound miter saw.

As for the versatility, you'll see that as soon as you see this saw in person! Even though it's designed to cut through just about anything, the Hitachi C10FCE2 has a lightweight and portable design - meaning it's easy to take just about anywhere. Since it doesn't come with a slider, it takes up even less space than those pricier compound miter saws. We even found one reviewer who is able to transport this saw all over the place in the trunk of his compact car!

Adding to its versatility, the C10FCE2 Hitachi miter saw is compatible with Hitachi's UU610 miter saw stand. Even if you don't spring for the stand, the C10FCE2 has a sturdy base, so you'll always be able to get down to business - no matter what kind of conditions you're working in. There's also a built-in clamping system, so that you never have to worry about your materials coming loose. And, as an added benefit, the C10FCE2 Hitachi compound miter saw comes with a special grip that reduces vibration. That way, you'll have complete control of this 10 inch miter saw, no matter what you're cutting through!

What about the specs of the Hitachi C10FCE2?

The Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw comes with:

  • A 15-amp, 5,000 RPM motor
  • A light design, weighing in at just 26.3 pounds
  • A 40-tooth blade
  • A diecast aluminum base
  • An extended fence, so that you can make vertical cuts on crown and base molding
  • A 5-year warranty
  • A built-in dust bag

So, what interesting user comments can we add to this Hitachi C10FCE2 review?

According to the reviews we found, Hitachi's C10FCE2 is one popular 10 compound miter saw!

One of the first things people raved about was the sound. According to reviewers, the C10FCE2 is quieter than other power miter saws in the same price range. However, don't let that quiet motor fool you! Reviewers also say that the Hitachi C10FCE2 is much more powerful than other similarly-priced saws!

Another big perk? This saw's accuracy. While you can order a laser accessory to go with your C10FCE2, a number of reviewers said the extra purchase wasn't really necessary. Not because the laser wasn't any good - but because this Hitachi 10 compound miter saw model is simply that accurate! And, according to reviews, that accuracy extends to detailed fit and finish cuts - something that most saws can't handle.

If you're picky about your blades, you won't have any trouble swapping out the blade that comes with the Hitachi C10FCE2. However, many reviewers say the factory blade is better than you'll find on most saws - meaning that you can save yourself some money by not having to buy a brand new blade right off the bat.

Most of the reviews we read were from amateur carpenters, and most of the work they do is around the house. According to them, that's why the C10FCE2 is such a good deal - its price tag is ideal for beginners, or for people who want to take on easier projects. If you don't need all of the expensive gadgets that come with pricier, professional-grade compound miter saws, the Hitachi C10FCE2 is the perfect choice!

So, is there anything that reviewers didn't like about the Hitachi C10FCE2 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw?

The biggest complaint centered around the C10FCE2's instruction manual. According to reviewers, the instructions were hard to follow. Making things tougher, there weren't many pictures - and the pictures that were included were tough to decipher. Luckily, most reviewers said they were able to figure things out for themselves relatively quickly.

Another downside in reviewers' minds? The dust bag. Reviewers said that the built-in dust bag caught a little bit of dust - but also left plenty sitting around. However, they were also quick to point out that this is a common problem that virtually all other compound miter saws face. And, in the grand scheme of things, the dust bag wasn't a deal-breaker for anyone who purchased this saw. To them, the price tag, the versatility, and the accuracy were all well worth a little bit of dust lying around!

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Band Saw: Cut Joints Like a Handsaw

For centuries, dovetail and mortise-and-tenon joints have been the woodworker’s choices for both strength and beauty. The mechanical interlock and the long grain surface area of these joints provide unparalleled strength for a wide variety of woodworking applications. Dovetails are used most often to join the corners of casework and drawers, while mortise-and-tenon joints are used to make face frames for casework and paneled doors and to join legs to rails when constructing tables and chairs.
Although there are dozens of methods for making these time-honored joints, you may be surprised how quickly and precisely you can cut them with your band saw. Of course the process starts with the right blade for the job, and if you want to cut dovetails, your saw must have a tilting table. For more details on cutting precision joinery with your band saw, you can click here.Follow templates like a router
Using a template with a woodworking machine is the fastest way to produce identical multiple parts for furniture or other woodwork. This procedure also relieves the tedium that occurs when making many identical pieces. If you own a router table, you’ve probably used the template-routing technique. It’s very similar to the template-sawing technique. 
When template routing, you must first make a stiff template of plywood that is identical to the part you wish to produce. The bearing on the end of the router bit follows a template attached to the work piece to guide the cutler along a path. Whether you’re making 6 parts or 60, they all come out alike.
The same concept can be used with the band saw. First, clamp a notched stick to the table, positioning it around the blade, as shown in the bottom photo at left, or use a special blade that has a follower pin. Then, attach the work piece to the template with small brads or double-sided tape. As you guide the template past the notched stick, the blade is guided through the cut to create a work piece that is identical to the template – what you might call handsaw cloning Template sawing is a quick and easy way for you to make a multitude of exact copies of your original work piece.
Although the band saw doesn’t produce a finished surface as a router will, this technique is still much faster than laying out and sawing each piece individually. If you would like to put this technique to work on your bandsaw, you can click here.
Saw compound curves
If you enjoy building furniture with sensuous, flowing lines, then you’re well aware of the handsaws potential in this area of woodworking. Many furniture styles, both period and contemporary, contain graceful curves that flow in two directions at once, and the band saw is the tool for creating those curves.Once you learn to saw compound curves, you can add an extra dimension to your next furniture project. As a builder of exact reproductions of fine colonial American antiques, I use the handsaw to create the compound curves found in cabriole legs and ogee bracket feet. This technique involves laying out and sawing the curves on two adjacent faces. There are some additional steps involved, such as select¬ing the right blade and building a stand to support the stock, that are clearly outlined here.
Resaw wide panelsResawing involves standing a board on edge and ripping it through its thickness to produce two pieces of thinner stock. You can use this technique for making matching panels by sawing a thick, over¬sized board into two pieces of equal thickness.
Resawing is also a great way to make your own veneer out of a prized figured board. You can glue the veneer to drawer fronts for a chest so that all the fronts will match perfectly. If you need thin stock for small drawers or other small boxes, you can save lumber by resawing oversized stock rather than planing the excess thickness.
No other woodworking machine is better suited for resawing than the band saw. Because a handsaw blade is thin, it creates a small kerf and therefore very little waste during sawing. This means you’ll get more usable stock from your expensive lumber and less sawdust. 
Also, the thin blade of the bandsaw creates very little feed resistance as you’re sawing. If you’ve ever resawn with a table saw, you’ll immediately notice the difference with the bandsaw.
Resawing with the bandsaw is safer too. Since the blade pushes the stock down¬ward toward the table, there is no chance of kickback. Still another advantage is that you can resaw wider stock with your bandsaw than with a table saw. Most of the common 14-in. band saws can resaw a 6-in.-wide board. If you need more height capacity, you may be able to outfit your bandsaw with a riser block to extend the column to accommodate boards up to 12 in. wide. But if you plan to do a lot of resawing, a large-capacity floor-model bandsaw is your best option. It will have the motor, frame, wheels, and guides to handle the wider blades and the greater blade tension needed for successful resawing.

For centuries, dovetail and mortise-and-tenon joints have been the woodworker’s choices for both strength and beauty. The mechanical interlock and the long grain surface area of these joints provide unparalleled strength for a wide variety of woodworking applications. Dovetails are used most often to join the corners of casework and drawers, while mortise-and-tenon joints are used to make face frames for casework and paneled doors and to join legs to rails when constructing tables and chairs.

Although there are dozens of methods for making these time-honored joints, you may be surprised how quickly and precisely you can cut them with your band saw. Of course the process starts with the right blade for the job, and if you want to cut dovetails, your saw must have a tilting table. For more details on cutting precision joinery with your band saw, you can click here.Follow templates like a router

Using a template with a woodworking machine is the fastest way to produce identical multiple parts for furniture or other woodwork. This procedure also relieves the tedium that occurs when making many identical pieces. If you own a router table, you’ve probably used the template-routing technique. It’s very similar to the template-sawing technique. 

When template routing, you must first make a stiff template of plywood that is identical to the part you wish to produce. The bearing on the end of the router bit follows a template attached to the work piece to guide the cutler along a path. Whether you’re making 6 parts or 60, they all come out alike.

The same concept can be used with a good band saw. First, clamp a notched stick to the table, positioning it around the blade, as shown in the bottom photo at left, or use a special blade that has a follower pin. Then, attach the work piece to the template with small brads or double-sided tape. As you guide the template past the notched stick, the blade is guided through the cut to create a work piece that is identical to the template – what you might call handsaw cloning Template sawing is a quick and easy way for you to make a multitude of exact copies of your original work piece.

Although the band saw doesn’t produce a finished surface as a router will, this technique is still much faster than laying out and sawing each piece individually. If you would like to put this technique to work on your bandsaw, you can click here.

Saw compound curves

If you enjoy building furniture with sensuous, flowing lines, then you’re well aware of the handsaws potential in this area of woodworking. Many furniture styles, both period and contemporary, contain graceful curves that flow in two directions at once, and the band saw is the tool for creating those curves.Once you learn to saw compound curves, you can add an extra dimension to your next furniture project. As a builder of exact reproductions of fine colonial American antiques, I use the handsaw to create the compound curves found in cabriole legs and ogee bracket feet. This technique involves laying out and sawing the curves on two adjacent faces. There are some additional steps involved, such as select¬ing the right blade and building a stand to support the stock, that are clearly outlined here.

Resaw wide panelsResawing involves standing a board on edge and ripping it through its thickness to produce two pieces of thinner stock. You can use this technique for making matching panels by sawing a thick, over¬sized board into two pieces of equal thickness.

Resawing is also a great way to make your own veneer out of a prized figured board. You can glue the veneer to drawer fronts for a chest so that all the fronts will match perfectly. If you need thin stock for small drawers or other small boxes, you can save lumber by resawing oversized stock rather than planing the excess thickness.

No other woodworking machine is better suited for resawing than the band saw. Because a handsaw blade is thin, it creates a small kerf and therefore very little waste during sawing. This means you’ll get more usable stock from your expensive lumber and less sawdust. 

Also, the thin blade of the bandsaw creates very little feed resistance as you’re sawing. If you’ve ever resawn with a table saw, you’ll immediately notice the difference with the bandsaw.

Resawing with the bandsaw is safer too. Since the blade pushes the stock down¬ward toward the table, there is no chance of kickback. Still another advantage is that you can resaw wider stock with your bandsaw than with a table saw. Most of the common 14-in. band saws can resaw a 6-in.-wide board. If you need more height capacity, you may be able to outfit your bandsaw with a riser block to extend the column to accommodate boards up to 12 in. wide. But if you plan to do a lot of resawing, a large-capacity floor-model bandsaw is your best option. It will have the motor, frame, wheels, and guides to handle the wider blades and the greater blade tension needed for successful resawing.

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DeWalt DWX 723 Miter Saw Stand Review

Hailing from a carpenter family I always had the curiosity and passion to know about all carpentering tools like drillers, saws and pincers. Just like how the present world is addicted to the electronic gadgets I am addicted to carpentering gadgets. Since I have a garden in my backyard all these equipments and carpentering background is very handy. One day when I happened to bump in to a friend he suggested me about the Craftsman 10 single bevel sliding. On his suggestion I inspected it and here I am posting some of my observations about it.
One of the prime features about this product is that it enables the cutting to be done in a smooth manner. This is facilitated and guided by a laser which helps to cut with precision. This product is easy to carry as it is light in weight and small in size thereby it is portable. In addition this can slice even materials which are thick in density. The number of spins is 4,800 revolutions a minute and this is irrespective of the blade being used in collar of this compound. This make the job look easy whether they cut through a hard wood or a soft wood with the residue product being sharp edges and tight corners for every cut they make. This product enables the user to save money as the blades used are smaller in size compared to the conventional saws. 
Additional feature is that these blades are easy to maintain and is resistant to rust. Nevertheless the width of the saw’s spin is 12 inches wide. As a result this speeds up the work enabling us to finish the work at a faster rate. This saw comprises of a Laser Trac. The speciality of this Laser Trac is that it distinctly aligns with our pencil marks for speedy work and when the user is looking for accuracy, the inherent clamping system gives the exact angle. This product comes along with dust bag, blade wrench, extensions and a clamp. 
As a user one thing which I feel very comfortable while using this product is that it is portable. I can carry it alongside me. Since I am a traveller a saw is always on my bag. So with Craftsman 10 Single bevel being small in size it serves my purpose.One more thing which I like about this is the Laser Trac. I think this gives me the precision to cut about the pencil mark. I was feeling quite happy about it.
One of the things which I am not happy about this product is the poor making of the front knob. The knob is has to be loosened and tightened for every single adjustment which spoils the pace of my work.Also there is a trigger lock which I have found that only right hander can use. I am basically a left hander and I found it tough to move the saw.
My rating for this product is 3 stars. I always feel there is a room for improvement and that would pave way for better models to come. I would not completely trash this model. But if the clauses in Cons paragraph are addressed then I feel this model would be really helpful.
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3 Top Rated Miter Saws

A miter saw is a powerful and handy tool for home improved projects. It enables you to slide varieties expand crosscutting on wood. There are many amazing things you can do with a miter saw, such as picture frames, crown molding, wooding casings or complicated steel cutting. There are so many models available for any budget, but which is the best one to meet your needs?

With a lot of research and discussion with people who use miter saws every day, we have selected many high performance models with a short review that will provide you with main features and highlights you need to make a smart decision for your requirement.

DEWALT DW715 Review

DEWALT DW715 is one of the top picks in our list. For the past 3 months, I have been testing to build my own boat what I think I should have. I had a miter saw, but it didn’t work for me anymore. Therefore, I bought DEWALT DW715 after reading many reviews. It easily makes cuts that are difficult on a table saw in my garage. It is powered by a 15 amp motor that can deliver a no-load speed of 4,000 rpm, which are really powerful for cutting jobs. Weighing only 42 pounds, and it’s easy to handle for any kind of project.

Makita LS1221 Review

The Makita LS1221 is one of the most powerful tools in the world. If you’re looking for the best budget miter saw, don’t look further than Makita LS1221. It has a balanced 15 amp motor that makes the smooth and fast cuts for your projects. Miter adjustments range from 0-45 degrees and you can choose the right miter stops from 15, 22 ½, 30 and 45 degree. Regardless, this remains one of the ultimate tools for framers.

Hitachi C10FCE2

Here is another high quality sliding miter saw that is designed for compound cutting capability and flexible cutting angles for woodworkers. This saw can be used for a wide range of jobs and projects. Thanks to the 15 AMP motor that generates a powerful speed up to 4000 rpms like DEWALT DW715. It’s the one of the most accurate miter saws for more control on its precision. What attract me most about this miter saw is its dust collector, you will never worry about the accessible carbon brushes anymore.

These three top rated miter saws are best for any types of products, they come from the reliable manufacturer. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the quality, because you will get a long time warranty.

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What's A Miter Saw

A miter saw is a powerful tool which allows you to cut material at various angles from wood to steel which other saws could not do as correctly as it can. Miter saws are useful for cutting molding and doing framing processes at the same time. The models that are best make short work of cross-cutting timber, yet are exact enough for tight fitting trim work. Nonetheless, determining the best miter saw for your needs is not an easy task. You can find tons of miter saw reviews on the web but you may still end up purchasing the incorrect one.

Everybody wants to look for a powerful miter saw that makes precise cuts again and again. There are many things that you should consider when you’re in the market to choose the best one.

Working on sophisticated furniture is a challenging job. Together with the fence characteristic of miter saws, the procedure that is cutting will not be a lot more difficult. It gives a total- height support so that you can cut on the planks with broader measurements. You have to decide on a long-lasting miter saw that's this attribute such it is easy to perform on the stuff and more rapid result is experienced.

In regards to find a bevel that is good in a miter saw, you should think about whether you prefer a double-bevel or a single bevel. In the event you are making a furniture or a crown molding, you have to be more particular with the beveling action that the miter saw provides.

While others have a port where you can quickly plug in a vacuum, some models have their particular dust bags. For health and safety purposes, it will have an effective and reliable dust collector system, especially if you are working in a confined region. Shift sawdust is helped by a changeable dust blower from the cutting region.

The most used measurements of miter saw blade for trimming are 10-inch - 12 inch blade. In case you have to cut through large work pieces a 12-inch blade is very good. On the flip side, they are also more costly. In most cases, a 10 inch blades are adequate for most carpenters, and its cost is cheaper.

In the scenario of today, each plus every machinery offers a volume of wide and flexible variety of characteristics that must be contemplated and changed when it comes to features plus options. Additionally, it ought to be determined when the set up will likely be adaptable and versatile across jobs and orders.

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